Founded in 2000, Lamoille Area Cancer Network is a non-profit organization that recognized the need to assist people in our local Vermont communities that have been diagnosed with cancer. The physical and emotional stress of being diagnosed with and beginning the battle with cancer can be overwhelming. The financial burden of the fight grows as well, it is LACN’s goal to help lessen the impact.
The mission of Lamoille Area Cancer Network is to act as an emergency fund source to assist families and individuals in the Lamoille Area with small grants while they are going through their journey with cancer.
LACN proudly awards over 700 grants exceeding $ 180,000 per year. In 2010 LACN reached it’s first milestone of issuing over $ 2,000,000 in financial support to Lamoille Area residents diagnosed with cancer. Our ever growing goals are simple…Help as may people as we can and with the amazing support of individuals and companies across the region we do just that.
LACN’s goal to help lessen the impact of cancer by acting as an emergency fund source to assist families and individuals.
In addition, many thanks go out to the members & volunteers at Lamoille Area Cancer Network, as all services and time are 100% donated, allowing 100% of all donations to be used to help our neighbors taking on cancer.