OUR MISSION Raising Funds To Fight Cancer


For Our Community

Help Beat Cancer

Lamoille Area Cancer Network couldn’t do what we do without the amazing help from volunteers.

As a team, we’re making a difference – and we’d like you to join us. Become a volunteer, start or participate in a fundraising event to help us support the folks with cancer in our community.

Become A Lamoille Area Cancer Network Volunteer


Volunteers are at the heart of Lamoille Area Cancer Network, none of the events, administration or organization could happen with out them. Being a volunteer at LACN means that the time you donate has a meaning and a purpose for those in your community and that time is greatly appreciated by all.

There is no better feeling than knowing your efforts meant your neighbor’s family could share time together, relieve some financial stress or maybe fulfill a bucket list item.

Please fill in our form to let us know how you can help.

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